In conversation with Mike Moffatt
AV – We have a housing crisis: there are too many people and too few houses. What’s the solution?
MM – I think we need to look at all the barriers and bottlenecks that raise the cost of housing. Taxes and fees are a big part of that. In the 20 years since I bought my first home in London, Ont., development charges and other taxes have shot up about 1,000 per cent. The cost of land is up about 1,000 per cent. These are the drivers of unaffordability. If this path continues, development charges in the city of Toronto will be $2 million per unit 20 years from now. It’s unsustainable.
AV – And yet, on the other side of this, cities have been pushed into relying on development charges because there’s been a focus on freezing property taxes. You end up with poor cities being asked to get poorer to solve a housing crisis.
MM – We have to look at alternative models. There’s this whole idea out there that growth pays for growth, but why should the growth of housing pay for roads? Shouldn’t it be the growth of cars that pays for roads? Why is it that we’re building apartment buildings in walkable neighbourhoods, with municipalities then turning around and using those development charges to pay for expanding arterial roads in the suburbs?
For example, commuters from Carleton drive into Ottawa every day to go to work. The city has to expand arterial roads that those residents use every day, but don’t pay for. You’re making the taxpayers of Ottawa pay for all of this infrastructure that’s largely used by people who don’t live there. There’s a massive and problematic cross-subsidy.
AV – Do we have to recalculate the math, but also reframe the expectations of home buyers that a white picket fence with a front yard and backyard and a two-car garage is not the new normal?
MM – I think we’re already there. Detached home starts in Ontario are down about 70 per cent from 20 years ago. It’s not so much that money is going to new homeowners in the suburbs; it’s going to existing homeowners. We are taxing density downtown to pay for infrastructure, which is often just upkeep of infrastructure that’s been underfunded for decades.
AV – So we need to rethink how we pay for infrastructure?
MM – Absolutely. Why do we put water and wastewater infrastructure on development charges, but not electricity infrastructure? If we ran water and wastewater on a utility model, like electricity, those utilities could borrow at government rates. Instead of paying for that water treatment plant at, say, three per cent, four per cent municipal interest rates, we end up making new homeowners pay for it at five and six per cent mortgage rates.
This comes down to what we value most – if it’s making banks rich, then the status quo works just fine. But if we care about great communities or great neighbourhoods, we have to rethink the way we finance infrastructure.
The time for patchwork solutions is over and if we’re serious about housing affordability we should get serious about dismantling outdated financial models and acknowledging development charges for what they are: a constantly rising tax on housing.
If governments keep coming to the table with half measures that overlook this necessary reform, then I think we’ll see people start to tune out altogether. The time has long past come to rethink our cross subsidization and put attainable housing back in reach.
Mike Moffatt is Senior Director of Policy and Innovation at the Smart Prosperity Institute.