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Orange Crush 2.0?

This week on Political Traction, David is joined by Navigator Associate Principal and veteran of New Democratic politics, Sally Housser, to discuss the Ontario election and the recent surge in support the NDP have experienced.

Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Navigator or its affiliates.

Reporting on the Campaign Trail

On this episode of Political Traction, David sits down with Navigator’s Director of Media Relations, Darryl Konynenbelt, and Toronto Star Queen’s Park Bureau Chief, Robert Benzie to talk about reporting on the campaign trail, how social media effects journalism and politics, and the Ontario provincial election.


Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Navigator or its affiliates. 

Ontario Election Special: The Campaign Start and the Path Forward

As the campaign officially begins, Political Traction is producing a series of special episodes to take a deeper dive into the race. On this week’s episode, we’re looking at the first two leaders debates, the start of the campaign, and how each party should handle themselves and their opponents going forward.

This week, David sits down with some of Navigator’s political veterans: Principals, Amanda Galbraith and Mike Van Soelen, and Senior Consultant Colin MacDonald.


Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Navigator or its affiliates. 

Doug Ford and the Ontario Election

On this episode, David sits down with Navigator Consultant, Clare Schulte-Albert, and Associate Consultant, Kanivanan Chinniah, to discuss Doug Ford’s election campaign, his greatest political threats, and the upcoming Ontario election.


Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Navigator or its affiliates.

Toronto, Trudeau, Trump, and Kanye

On this episode of Political Traction, David sits down with Navigator Senior Consultants Morgan McLellan and Colin MacDonald to discuss the recent van attacks in Toronto, the Liberal convention in Halifax, and Kanye West’s tweets about his love for President Donald Trump.

Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Navigator or its affiliates.