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Madeleine Féquière
Expert Panelist
1200 McGill College Avenue
Suite 1700
Montréal, QC
H3B 4G7
T (514) 905-7869 mfequiere@corporatepurpose.caMadeleine Féquière is a member of the expert panel of the Canadian Centre for the Purpose of the Corporation (CCPC). Madeleine is Corporate Credit Chief for Domtar and an Independent Director of Investissement Québec. Madeleine’s leadership and ability to develop and manage complex international business strategies along with her knowledge of the role that financial institutions and corporations can play in impacting positive change, will drive and illustrate her advisory work with CCPC.
Madeleine holds a Mini-MBA from McGill Executive Institute, a certificate in finance and credit from HEC/CIC and a BA from Concordia University, and has completed the ICD-Rotman Directors Education program. With over 25 years of experience, Madeleine is a specialist in risk management and operations associated with business credit, in improving credit conditions and in global trade. She has worked on several continents in various sectors of the economy and is fully bilingual.
Since 2008, she has been Corporate Credit Chief for Domtar’s worldwide operations. Between 2000 and 2008, she held leading positions with AbitibiBowater Corp.; Teleglobe Canada; Microsoft/Softimage, Foxboro Canada and Archer Daniels Midland. Throughout her career, she led or served on creditors’ committees of high profiles bankruptcy cases. Ms. Féquière serves on the boards of public, governmental and non-profit organizations. She is a board and Audit committee member at University of Montreal and most recently concluded her mandate on the board of the Montreal Council of the Arts as Vice-president of the Executive committee and President of the Governance committee.
In 2017, Ms. Féquière co-founded Excellence-Quebec, a Montreal-based initiative addressing Inclusion, Diversity, Equality and Accessibility challenges.